Natalie Davison’s Personal Blog
Dear Blog,
It’s been four weeks since my last post…… sorry. A lack of focus got in the way and a thing called summer.
But I’m back and ready to share some stories and insight into the male species that I’ve uncovered in the past few weeks.
My Love coach has been abroad for part of the time, so I’ve been free-styling a bit. Maybe so much so that after we met following the summer break I’m now on a X10 acceleration plan to get flirting and dating, so expect some hilarious posts in the coming weeks!!
But anyway, when I was left to my own devices, all was not lost. I put to practise some of the techniques I’ve learned, and have been wearing make-up everyday. But what I think I’ve learned most from my chats with Julia is about confidence. And I think I’m not alone in that most women lack confidence, particularly when it comes to dating and meeting men.
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