Merry Christmas!
Christmas is meant to be a time shared with family and friends filled with hugs and laughter and carolling. The same is true for Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights that normally precedes Christmas and where Hanukkah songs are sang and dreidel games are played between children.
This year, however, due to the current situation, the festivities will be very different. Many of us won’t be able to celebrate with family and friends or with hugs and cuddles or even with singing. This year we’re being asked to be more careful and travel is restricted. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate at all.
In general, while the holidays normally bring about merry cheer and smiles and celebrations, they also are a time when so many become highly aware of their loneliness. The holidays, especially Christmas, have always been a time when those alone feel more lonely than ever, having no one to celebrate that special time with. Emergency rooms often peak around the holidays with those who need comfort during these times which can be just as sad as they are happy.
This year there will be more loneliness as people continue to isolate for safety, which also means more sadness and less hugs and merry toasting. But that isn’t to say that we’re defeated. Luckily, technology has advanced so much that even if we can’t celebrate with our loved ones in person, with hugs and cuddles, we can at least celebrate with them through a screen, still filling our homes with singing.
2020 has been a challenging year filled with difficulty and darkness. But in every darkness, there is always the glimpse of light. And that is what we should look for at the end of this challenging and strange year.
So let’s ask ourselves these three key questions:
-What have I learned about myself?
-In what way have I grown this year?
-In which direction do I want my life to go in the future?
Watch my Christmas greetings video below and share your answers with us in the comments, or email us at