If you’ve been following my work for a while, or if you’ve worked with me in the past, or read my books, you’ve probably heard or seen me repeat the phrase “believe in second chances” in different ways. While you probably theoretically believe that second chances are possible, you may feel –especially if you’ve loved strongly before and failed or been disappointed or hurt – that the amazing love you seek won’t come around again. There is certainly a difference in believing in something theoretically and having the needed true faith that translates that belief into actual actions and attitudes: the kind of actions and attitudes that work to manifest your beliefs into reality.
In my work with clients, as well as in my own self work, I help to move that faith from simple belief to an energy that helps to create and bring about that which is believed in and hoped for. What this means is having that necessary faith in love, faith that is not only something that is ‘understood’ , but is also an action that brings about the reaction that you wish for. This begins with having faith in yourself and living a life full of self-love and moves into having faith in love and sharing that love with that special someone who is worthy of it. That ability doesn’t end because it was broken before of even because it failed once or didn’t go quite as planned. I have witnessed many who were badly hurt learn from past errors, get up again, and find their way to love even greater than they thought possible. I myself am a prime example of this, as are many of my clients and the amazing women that I modelled some of my early work on. I believe is second chances and so should you!
Thanks to this more modern society now becoming more and more conscious of the benefits of self-development and self-work, more and more people are making that transition from merely believing in something theoretically to transforming that belief into action that benefits their lives. Recently I was contacted by an impressive gentleman who, due to his own personal reasons and learning, decided to open a website, completely free of charge and out of his own pocket, for divorced parent looking for help in rebuilding that faith in life, asking me if I would be interested in being listed as a Love Coach on his website. Not only am I willing, I am so humbled to be asked and potentially be able to be of any help to people who go through divorce – which, based on my own experience, I know can be life shattering, but also potentially highly rebuilding and an opportunity for learning, betterment, and self-growth.

I can’t describe in words how impressive it is to have someone who understands how difficult something like divorce can be, take the time to help others thanks to his own experience. My own Love Coaching work came out of my personal experience as well, so I understand the power behind that desire to help others to improve from one’s own failure. If you have undergone such an experience, would like a support network, or if you want to be touched by the stories of others who did, have a look at the website and share it with anyone you think might need it and get inspired.
If you have any questions regarding coaching you can always schedule a free discovery call with me following this link: