Natalie Davison’s Personal Blog
I consider myself to be a fairly switched on person. So it was with surprise that during an initial discussion with Love Coach Julia Keller that she pointed out something that should’ve been very obvious to me.
We were discussing what I wanted in life, whether my aim was to be married and have kids etc. I said no to both. If I do happen to meet “the one” then that’s enough for me. I don’t need the big dress and an expensive day if I have someone by my side who is committed and trusting, that’s enough. On the child front, it’s just never been a great urge. I am lucky to have loads of nieces and nephews and friends who provide plenty of “kid” time for me to have my fix. I’m not shutting the door completely on the idea, because I’ve often thought about the option of adopting. But as a 40-year-old single woman I’m not at all bothered about the “tick tock” of my biological clock nor am I looking at the best options for freezing eggs.
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