There is something about timing and the ideal time to start things anew with mobilised energy and the right kind of attitude! You tend to start a diet on Monday; improve your grades, as a student, from September; and you change your life starting from the 1st of January! There’s just something about the energy of the New Year that gets you started right!
Somehow these little constructed “starts” work as a stimulus for the individual to finally act on whatever they’ve been putting off changing until now and to push oneself towards improving. Of course we all know the truth of age old wise saying: “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”. Yet somehow when it comes time for it, we put off anyway. That’s why there’s something about that fresh time of a new year making you feel that opportunity of a fresh start along with it. Hence the popularity of setting New Year’s Resolutions.
What I find most inspiring about these “fresh start moments” is the fact that many of us are on the same page wanting that fresh start opportunity. Hence there’s a collective energy of change and bettering, all moving together towards that better place we all want.
Therefore I decided that this year I will share with you my 2018 year goals and how I want to direct my life and my service to you and I invite you to share yours with us. If you do, you’ll be entered into a raffle to win a 90 minute Accountability Session and follow up: a new something special that we’re adding for 2018.
So for the New Year, here are some of the big changes happening with this business.
1) My services are changing! Watch the video below to see how!
2) We have changed our Newsletter format! You can see that here already.
3) I am changing my Monday Facebook Live from “10 Minutes to Femininity” to “10 Minutes to Healthy Living”. The reason for this change is partly due to my move towards living a healthier life, but mostly because you have asked for it. Time and time again, we’ve been seeing much more interest in our videos to do with health, using natural products, etc.
I’ve also seen a big move of my clients towards working on issues to do with either self-confidence or weight and often both. Both are covered in “Healthy Living,” which takes a 360 approach to an individual considering her (or his) internal and external health. This includes the stress management, self love and self confidence work which I’ve already been doing, utilising my Coaching, NLP and Hypnotherapy and moves towards more of the Weight Management Hypnotherapy I’ve been doing with my study. And… more that you can see of my goals in my video below.
And later towards the end of winter, in time for the beginning of spring I’m going to invite you all to join me on a special 2 week “Self Care Challenge” where I will invite you to join me in really looking after yourself inside and out for two full weeks (as a start), sharing some quick daily tips with you as how to look after yourself better as I myself share what I’m beginning to do more regularly and have you join me. It will be Two Weeks of Healthy Living, sharing my daily diet and regimen with you to see how it can affect your skin, mood and energy levels. How you look after yourself is how you demonstrate love for yourself so I will be inviting you to join me in this great adventure of healthier living. But for now, Happy New Year. Let’s make 2018 our best year yet!