The Best You Expo: why you should go & what should you see.

I’ll be honest: I’m kind of addicted to personal development. Ever since I began studying Coaching and then studied NLP and then Hypnotherapy and now Naturopathic Nutrition, I’ve been hooked on working on improving myself. So it’s no surprise that from last year when I began exhibiting at The Best You Expo, I knew that I felt right at home there. I felt the same this year at the MInd Body Spirit festival (another one that I plan to be at again next year). I’m now giving talks at quite a few self-development events about the health benefits of Connection as well as about the importance of loving oneself inside and out (meaning the importance of self-value and self-care).
Despite all of my rounds of talks, there’s something special and close to the heart for me about The Best You Expo. First of all, The Best You I feel is kind of where I took the big leap from just being another Coach to becoming the kind of speaker, author and motivator that makes things happen for my clients. In fact, it’s thanks to the NLP training I had with Richard Bandler with The Best You that I wrote my first book and that I had my first true possibility to speak in front of an audience of strangers with this new career leap I took some years back. So speaking and exhibiting at The Best You is just something that I feel called to do on so many levels. And I love it! But I also love the opportunity to meet many other wonderful speakers and exhibitors and to see them live. So here’s a small list of who we love and advise you to come and see and listen to at the Best You Expo on the 16th and 17th February at the Olympia in South Kensington. And of course, make sure you come and hear me speaking about the Importance and Power of Connection at 2pm of Friday the 16th and 1pm on Saturday the 17th of February in the Health and Lifestyle room, press here.

Buy your Best You Expo special priced tickets here (special code for those on my mailing list & social media only).

Paul McKenna : “The 3 things that will change your destiny”: 17th February 13:30, the main stage. 

Paul McKenna is one of the top hypnotherapists in the world, and is renowned for helping people treat the most difficult problems. He is definitely one to be heard.

Bernardo Moya: “The Question”: 16th of February 13:00, the main stage. 

Bernardo is not only an incredible mentor, a wonderful teacher and an icon of success, but he is also the founder of The Best You and a person for whom empowering others is a true heart-centered journey. I feel blessed and honoured to have worked with, and learned from, him. If you are looking for ways in which turn from passive to active this is the talk for you to go to. Bernardo will explain why he thinks the quality of life depends on the questions we ask ourselves. This is definitely one to go to!

Jason Vale: “Reignite the healthy fire within”: 17th February 12:00, the main stage

Jason, aka “the Juice Master” is renowned for making juicing as well known for its’ health benefits as it is. He’s speaking again this year helping us all to benefit from the incredible health benefit of juicing.

Judymay Murphy: “Finally collect what’s yours: 16 February 11:00, the main stage

Judymay was one of my own personal first coaches that helped me to begin my journey and to understand what my work was worth. Now she’s at the Best You Expo helping others to get started towards their dreams too.


Marie Diamond: “Secret to Success”: 17 February 11:00, the main stage.

Marie Diamond is a name well-known for years in the Success industry. Featured in “The Secret” books, she helps many well-known names to reach even greater success using the Law of Attraction. She is definitely one not to be missed!


Elliot Kay: “Elliot Kay workshop”: 16 February 12:00, Passion to profit room

As someone who’s heard Elliot speak on quite a few occasions, I can easily say that his workshops can be business altering, especially for those with businesses they’d like to grow, even if in the beginning stages. Elliot’s way of looking at strategy helps businesses thrive in just the direction they want to go.

Paul Boross: “Pimp your pitch”: 17 February 16:00, Best for Business room. 

Paul aka “The Pitch Doctor” is a whizz at taking a pitch and making it so much more. I’ve watched him in action on numerous occasions and am always impressed. You will be too once you realise just how important a well-crafted pitch could be to your business success.

Victoria Gerch: “Learn How to Create Professional Marketing Videos Using Your Smartphone”: 16th February 13:00, Best for Business room

Victoria is a whizz with a camera, even when it’s on a smartphone. As someone who’s been personally helped by Victoria’s fantastic tips on how to get a better video, I can vouch for how amazing it is to work with her. Anyone who uses video in their work should definitely check out her talk.

Cindy Galvin: “Discover The Platform For Success”: 16th February 15:00, Best for Business room

Cindy is a personal close friend and simply incredible woman! I’m honoured to know her and to be personal witness to her empowering journey. Cindy has come so far and has created her own success thanks to her ability to create that necessary confidence one needs to get into the high places in business. Now she shares her journey and her learning with the world. Not to be missed!

Louise Frances: “Find What Makes You Glow”: 17th February 14:00, Health and Lifestyle room

Louise is a friend, colleague and incredible person who’s done loads and overcome even more to come to a point of reaching her own personal dream. She speaks about helping stressed out individuals towards their own personal glow, something I definitely have a personal interest in hearing! 

Tea Guttsmann: “Children matters in court — 5 simple steps”, A Better World room

Tea is a personal friend and a beautiful person. Her mission to help children find a voice in court is tremendous and so necessary. Anyone with children should definitely come and hear her speak.

Florencia Serritella: Add some Latino to your life”:  17th February 16:00, Mindfulness and Wellbeing room

Florencia is a personal friend and a lovely, energetic and heart-driven person. She passionately shares her mission to help everyone find join in their life “the Latino way”!

Mikaela Jackson: “How to Self-Empower to Create a Career & Life You Love”: 17th February 13:00,  Empowering Women room

Mikaela is a friend and fellow Driven Woman member. She is a young inspiration and example of a woman living her dream, both in her personal and professional life. Mikaela shares how other women can do the same at her talk.


Hope you come and enjoy it!

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