Workshop for men only: Man Up & Get The Woman You Want

Hey you,
Some months ago I ran a workshop at a private members’ club about attracting love into your life. Normally when I run these workshops, I am aim them towards women, as I began what I do working uniquely with women, and especially focusing on femininity. This time, however, when the organizer asked me if the workshop was for women only, I replied that I guessed both could come, not anticipating much interest from men on this topic.
To my surprise, however, the room was packed with men!. In fact, about 60% of the participants were men. I was shocked, and, to be honest, more than a little unprepared for such a turnout. I’d had a program for women lined up from the workshop; but I had absolutely nothing at all to offer to men at that point. Truthfully, I’d considered creating a workshop geared towards men, and I even had a title for it; but I hadn’t yet put it together or even considered the details of it.
At first I was nervous, wondering how the dynamics would be in this mixed talk. Apart from the big talks I spoke at for various events, like the Best You and the Mind Body Spirit festival, most of my smaller, more intimate talks were geared specifically towards women. But a few minutes into the workshop, I realised that I had nothing to worry about. Both men and women spoke openly about their issues in the dating world and actually helped to answer each other’s questions. Above all, I realised very quickly that men were just as confused and unhappy with the dating scene as women were and that both sexes were suffering from that same disappointment in their inability to make anything significant happen with the person they actually wanted to be with (or possibly even to meet this special person). Despite the fact that the energy in the room was great, I was saddened by the fact that both sexes somehow were suffering in the same way but still were unable to truly connect with each other. Something definitely had to be done and I wanted very much to help them.
Afterwards, I had a chance to chat to these wonderful men who I met during the workshop and to truly investigate what is it that men felt they needed help with when searching for love and what were the biggest obstacles they felt that they needed help and advice to tackle. After speaking with them, it became very clear that a workshop for men is definitely necessary as they certainly had quite a few questions about us women. Hence the upcoming workshop for men only “Man Up & Get The Woman You Want!” coming up in February. I am sending this newsletter to all of my mailing list, and not just men, because if you lovely ladies have some great guys you know who could use a few tips of how to be more successful with women, this workshop could be ideal for them, so please do spread the word.

For more information click here

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